Unlock your memories trapped in old media such as VHS tapes and camcorders. With just a few clicks, you can archive your videotape collection onto DVD and Blu-ray Disc. Videotapes can deteriorate over time. Your old videos will have color bleed , white specks, and other distrotions. Don't risk this happening to your home video collection.
Offers 2 options: Easy Wizard Mode for beginners and Advanced Mode for creative options. All-in-one solution: provides everything you need to convert your video. No external power needed. Easy Wizard Mode
Using the Easy Wizard Mode, anyone can transfer HDV, VHS, Beta, or other videotapes to DVD with just a few clicks, using step-by-step pictorial instructions that guide the user through the process. This is one of the first software solutions to support Blu-ray Authoring and burning on Blu-ray Discs, which is ideal for burning and playing high-definition video that requires greater data storage space.

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